Monday, July 16, 2012

My heart is longing....

Hey y'all,

          I woke up this morning with my heart aching to be in Charleston. I miss it so bad sometimes! I miss the smells of food, marsh mud, salty air, old houses, horses (not the horse pee pee), all mixed together, I miss the sounds of people walking, horses hoofs on the cobblestone, shop doors opening and closing, the sounds of the busy people in the market, and even the crazy girl in the chocolate shop by the market yelling ICE CREAM to all the tourists walking by.
              I love to sit and watch people walk by, I like to see what the locals are wearing, you can always pick a local out of all the tourists by what they wear and how they act. And I love to watch the women braiding their sweet grass baskets and fanning their selves from the summer heat. And the tourists making new discoveries, and standing on the street corners with heads together and a map in front of them, which includes my husband and I, we have learned a lot of the streets, but we still don't know all of them and probably never will! I laugh at people walking out of restaurants holding their  bellies and saying oh I ate to much, but it was sooo good! And one of our favorite things to do, is walk through the historic districts, and down Legare and Tradd and all the quiet side streets where the old houses are being remodeled and made new again. It's quite, and relaxing, and walking around admiring the houses I would love to live in, I get a feeling of peace tranquility. I know it sounds weird, but I love architecture, and old houses, the hidden gardens.  And for some reason, no tourists take the time to do that, they stay close to the stores and the restaurants. We like to go where no else does, and make new discoveries of our own. I would love to take a book and a cup of coffee and find a spot on the side walk on a street like south Legare and just sit and read and soak up the history, and the quite. I wish I could go right now!

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